Just Breathe.

Estimated read time 2 min read

Handing The Pillars of Dawn off to the production team is a strange feeling. I imagine this must be what sending a kid off to college feels like.

“Don’t get in cars with strangers!” “Don’t eat any weird candy at raves.” “Don’t commit too early to the wrong partner.” “Use protection!” “Get good sleep” “Make good choices!” “Don’t mix alcohols!”

Okay. Maybe it’s not like sending a kid to college, but there will definitely be booze in my near future. I didn’t expect to feel so lightheaded and slightly discombobulated.

The Pillars of Dawn original drafts (2002) are officially old enough to order a gin and tonic, buy a gun and go stand in line to vote. Obviously shouldn’t do it in that order….

Anywhoo, it’s time to let the stories grow up and have a life outside my woodland bubble. It’s time to release the Muses to a larger global audience. This is just the first step in what might be a long journey, but it’s worth noting, worth feeling. I’m going to sit with it a few days while they do their thing. I’m just going to catch my breath. It’s been a challenging few years of development and planning. This is a wonderful albeit probably brief respite. I’ll take it.

It’s a relief to be able to refocus my brain toward what’s next. To be able to adjust my energy back to storytelling and development rather than the slog of knocking on doors and showing up for pitches, traveling for meetings, and hashing it out with boards.

If you’ve been following along, please raise a glass of whatever you like to drink and join me for a moment of relieved gratitude to be here touching this milestone. Breathe. Take it in. Rest for a second.

Then back at it. The build is just getting started.

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