
Estimated read time 2 min read

I can’t even begin to express how excited I am to be kicking off the cohort training model for Elder Glade Publishing’s Storyverse kits and additional projects. Honestly, I thought we were a few years away still, but being able to roll out training projects and begin the search for collaborators is a tremendous feeling. It’s been a year of big firsts and long strides. Sure, there have been stalls, setbacks and other interruptions, but all in all the last twelve months have been incredibly productive.

Rollercoaster is an understatement. Because of the ups and downs, I’m still hesitant to go Mach seventeen on the training plans, but light development and early interviewing and discussions are underway. I’ve been asking literally everyone I know for leads on the kinds of developers and writers we need for the cohorts. Of course, the trick is to find the best matches for the program and the kinds of materials we’ll be working with, and that might take some time. It’s all good. We have time.

With POD in good hands, I’m back to shopping TLE to streamers with the revisions requested on an earlier round of reviews. While those two projects are in the hands of other teams, I have plenty of time to do interviews, set up the scholarships for the writer’s training program, and connect some creators to development slots.

I have to remind myself when things are going slow or it doesn’t feel like I’m making headway, that a lot is actually happening. Momentum is building. I need to remind myself to sit down, shut up and take a look at the progress we’ve made in just a couple of years. It’s cumulative progress against staggeringly difficult odds. It’s actually going okay.

Chin up. Keep going.

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